For non-Chinese readers:
I'm a software engineer in Shanghai, China. Since I bought a Raspberry Pi, I spent some spare time on it and I'm glad to share something with Pi users all over the world, so this article has two languages: Chinese & English, and I try to translate the Chinese to English as accurately as possible, but, there might be some translation mistakes, so if you don't know what I mean in the article, just leave a comment, and I'll reply when I get an answer. Also welcome to contact me via Email.
Raspberry Pi是什么?简单地说,它就是一个基于ARM CPU的、信用卡那么大的迷你计算机。
In short, Pi is an ARM-based mini computer which has a credit card size.
在Raspberry Pi上,通过调用OpenCV库,自己写一个简单的C程序来控制摄像头拍照,并保存图片。
The main content of this article:
Write a simple C program by invoking the OpenCV library on Raspberry Pi to control a webcam to take photos & save them.
Before reading this article, please make sure that you've read my another article about Pi configuration, because this article is based on that.

【1】安装OpenCV / Install OpenCV
pacman -S opencv opencv-samples
This command will install the samples of OpenCV, too. So we can compile & run several samples to have a test after the installation.
【2】带动摄像头 / Drive the webcam
在驱动已经可用的情况下,把一个USB摄像头接在USB口上也不一定能让它工作,因为Pi的USB口的电流供应可能不足。请看这个链接的玩家自制的一根增强供电的USB线,如果你想简单安全,那么你可以把摄像头接在一个有外部供电的USB HUB上,再把Pi的USB接到USB HUB上,这样摄像头的供电就充足了。
Plug the USB webcam into the USB interface of Pi might not able to make it work, even the driver has been available, because the current provided by Pi's USB interface may not be sufficient to drive a camera. You can learn to DIY a current-enhancement USB cable via this link, but the easier way may be buying a powered USB HUB and use it to connect the webcam & Pi.
【3】让opencv的sample跑起来 / Run a sample of OpenCV
To make sure that the installed OpenCV related packages are "correct", I decided to run at least one of the OpenCV samples.
Copy the installed OpenCV sample directory to other place for the sake of not messing up the installation directory:
mkdir /root/opencv cp -r /usr/share/OpenCV/samples/ /root/opencv/
There are 3 kinds of samples in it, "c", "cpp" & "gpu", so I choose the simplest - "c", and enter the "c" directory, add write permission to all files:
chmod +w *
Execute the script to compile an sample, then I got lots of similar errors, e.g. :
[root@alarmpi c]# ./ contours.ccompiling contours/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/cch4zRSn.o: undefined reference to symbol 'lrint@@GLIBC_2.4'/usr/bin/ld: note: 'lrint@@GLIBC_2.4' is defined in DSO /usr/lib/ so try adding it to the linker command line/usr/lib/ could not read symbols: Invalid operationcollect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
The "libm" told me that the math library was not included in the compiling command, so I edited and add -lm to all compiling command:
#!/bin/sh if [ $# -gt 0 ] ; then base=`basename $1 .c` echo "compiling $base" gcc -ggdb `pkg-config opencv --cflags --libs` $base.c -o $base -lm else for i in *.c; do echo "compiling $i" gcc -ggdb `pkg-config --cflags opencv` -o `basename $i .c` $i `pkg-config --libs opencv` -lm; done for i in *.cpp; do echo "compiling $i" g++ -ggdb `pkg-config --cflags opencv` -o `basename $i .cpp` $i `pkg-config --libs opencv` -lm; done fi
还忘了说一句,由于上面的脚本在编译时使用了pkg-config,所以在编译前,我们还需要先安装 pkg-config:
Sorry, I forget to mention that because of using pkg-config, we need to install pkg-config before compiling the sample:
pacman -S pkg-config
Then the compiling will succeed.
Then run the executable program we just compiled:
[root@alarmpi c]# ./contours This program creates an image to demonstrate the use of the "c" contour functions: cvFindContours() and cvApproxPoly() along with the storage functions cvCreateMemStorage() and cvDrawContours(). It also shows the use of a trackbar to control contour retrieval. Usage : ./contours (image:460): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:
看样子是跟gtk相关,并且我在网上搜到这跟X server什么的可能有关系,于是安装gtk和X server:
It failed, unfortunately.
And Google told me that the error is related to X server, too, so I installed gtk & X server:
pacman -S gtk xorg-server
再修改配置文件 /etc/ssh/sshd_config :
Modify the config file /etc/ssh/sshd_config :
#AllowTcpForwarding yes AllowTcpForwarding yes #GatewayPorts no #X11Forwarding no X11Forwarding yes #X11DisplayOffset 10 #X11UseLocalhost yes X11UseLocalhost yes
Note that the 3 uncommented lines are added by me.
重启Pi的系统,运行X server:
Reboot Pi & run X server:
Yes, the command is just so simple, but it failed to start:
[root@alarmpi c]# XX.Org X Server 1.13.0Release Date: 2012-09-05X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0Build Operating System: Linux 3.0.15-1-ARCH+ armv6lCurrent Operating System: Linux alarmpi 3.2.27-11-ARCH+ #1 PREEMPT Sat Oct 13 22:46:16 UTC 2012 armv6lKernel command line: dma.dmachans=0x7f35 bcm2708_fb.fbwidth=1920 bcm2708_fb.fbheight=1080 bcm2708.boardrev=0x3 bcm2708.serial=0x398ca41f smsc95xx.macaddr=B8:27:EB:8C:A4:1F vc_mem.mem_base=0xc000000 vc_mem.mem_size=0x10000000 sdhci-bcm2708.enable_llm=1 sdhci-bcm2708.sync_after_dma=0 smsc95xx.turbo_mode=N dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=ttyAMA0,115200 kgdboc=ttyAMA0,115200 console=tty1 loglevel=2 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 init=/bin/systemd rootfstype=ext4 rootwaitBuild Date: 14 October 2012 10:05:22PMCurrent version of pixman: 0.26.2Before reporting problems, check http://wiki.x.orgto make sure that you have the latest version.Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.(==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Mon Oct 15 14:30:03 2012(==) Using config directory: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d"Initializing built-in extension Generic Event ExtensionInitializing built-in extension SHAPEInitializing built-in extension MIT-SHMInitializing built-in extension XInputExtensionInitializing built-in extension XTESTInitializing built-in extension BIG-REQUESTSInitializing built-in extension SYNCInitializing built-in extension XKEYBOARDInitializing built-in extension XC-MISCInitializing built-in extension SECURITYInitializing built-in extension XINERAMAInitializing built-in extension XFIXESInitializing built-in extension RENDERInitializing built-in extension RANDRInitializing built-in extension COMPOSITEInitializing built-in extension DAMAGEInitializing built-in extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVERInitializing built-in extension DOUBLE-BUFFERInitializing built-in extension RECORDInitializing built-in extension DPMSInitializing built-in extension X-ResourceInitializing built-in extension XVideoInitializing built-in extension XVideo-MotionCompensationInitializing built-in extension XFree86-VidModeExtensionInitializing built-in extension XFree86-DGAInitializing built-in extension XFree86-DRIInitializing built-in extension DRI2Loading extension GLXFatal server error:no screens found(EE)Please consult the The X.Org Foundation supportat http://wiki.x.orgfor help.(EE) Please also check the log file at "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" for additional information.(EE)Server terminated with error (1). Closing log file.
既然它让我看日志文件 /var/log/Xorg.0.log,那我就看。在日志文件的最后,发现提示找不到 fbdev 模块/库,于是翻遍Google,找到一个答案:应该安装 xf86-video-fbdev 包:
Since it told me to check log file /var/log/Xorg.0.log, then I did. At the last few lines of the log file, I found an error message which indicated a fbdev module/lib missing, so I ask Google again for a while, and I realized that I should install package xf86-video-fbdev:
pacman -S xf86-video-fbdev
再用“X”命令启动X server,成功了:
Then run "X" again, it succeeded:
[root@alarmpi ~]# XX.Org X Server 1.13.0Release Date: 2012-09-05X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0Build Operating System: Linux 3.0.15-1-ARCH+ armv6lCurrent Operating System: Linux alarmpi 3.2.27-11-ARCH+ #1 PREEMPT Sat Oct 13 22:46:16 UTC 2012 armv6lKernel command line: dma.dmachans=0x7f35 bcm2708_fb.fbwidth=1920 bcm2708_fb.fbheight=1080 bcm2708.boardrev=0x3 bcm2708.serial=0x398ca41f smsc95xx.macaddr=B8:27:EB:8C:A4:1F vc_mem.mem_base=0xc000000 vc_mem.mem_size=0x10000000 sdhci-bcm2708.enable_llm=1 sdhci-bcm2708.sync_after_dma=0 smsc95xx.turbo_mode=N dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=ttyAMA0,115200 kgdboc=ttyAMA0,115200 console=tty1 loglevel=2 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 init=/bin/systemd rootfstype=ext4 rootwaitBuild Date: 14 October 2012 10:05:22PMCurrent version of pixman: 0.26.2Before reporting problems, check http://wiki.x.orgto make sure that you have the latest version.Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.(==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Mon Oct 15 14:32:34 2012(==) Using config directory: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d"Initializing built-in extension Generic Event ExtensionInitializing built-in extension SHAPEInitializing built-in extension MIT-SHMInitializing built-in extension XInputExtensionInitializing built-in extension XTESTInitializing built-in extension BIG-REQUESTSInitializing built-in extension SYNCInitializing built-in extension XKEYBOARDInitializing built-in extension XC-MISCInitializing built-in extension SECURITYInitializing built-in extension XINERAMAInitializing built-in extension XFIXESInitializing built-in extension RENDERInitializing built-in extension RANDRInitializing built-in extension COMPOSITEInitializing built-in extension DAMAGEInitializing built-in extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVERInitializing built-in extension DOUBLE-BUFFERInitializing built-in extension RECORDInitializing built-in extension DPMSInitializing built-in extension X-ResourceInitializing built-in extension XVideoInitializing built-in extension XVideo-MotionCompensationInitializing built-in extension XFree86-VidModeExtensionInitializing built-in extension XFree86-DGAInitializing built-in extension XFree86-DRIInitializing built-in extension DRI2Loading extension GLX
Then I tried to run the OpenCV sample again, still the same error("cannot open display"), so I Googled another article about using OpenCV on Pi and found that the author did one thing:
export DISPLAY=
其中,是Pi的IP地址。这样设置之后,再运行,程序不再报错了!再一看相同的目录下,生成了一个 contours.xml 文件,说明程序执行成功了。
In which the "" is your Pi's IP address. After setting this, the sample could run without any error occurred, and a contours.xml file was generated under the same directory, which indicated that we succeeded.
【4】写一个简单的OpenCV C程序 / Write a simple OpenCV C program
现在该写一个简单的OpenCV C程序来控制摄像头了。
Now we should write a simple C program to control the webcam by using OpenCV.
Let's check the C code:
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "highgui.h" #include "opencv.hpp" int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* init camera */ CvCapture* pCapture = cvCreateCameraCapture(0); cvSetCaptureProperty(pCapture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 320); cvSetCaptureProperty(pCapture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 240); //cvSetCaptureProperty(pCapture, CV_CAP_PROP_FPS, 5); IplImage *pFrame = 0; if (NULL == pCapture) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't initialize webcam!\n"); return 1; } pFrame = cvQueryFrame(pCapture); // query a frame if(NULL == pFrame) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't get a frame!\n" ); return 1; } const char *pImageFileName = "webcam.jpg"; cvSaveImage(pImageFileName, pFrame); cvReleaseCapture(&pCapture); // free memory return 0; }
This program does a very simple job: initialize the camera, capture a frame & save it to a image file named "webcam.jpg".
Then compile the webcam program:
g++ -I/usr/include/opencv/ -I/usr/include/opencv2/ `pkg-config --cflags opencv --libs opencv` webcam.c -o webcam
This will generate an executable bin "webcam", just run it:
Then we'll get a "webcam.jpg" image file under the same directory, which is just the photo took by the camera.
So the main purpose of this article has been reached. We can develop more useful programs base on it, e.g. a program similar to the Camera Girl, which implements the motion detection functionality.
【5】遗留问题 / Unsolved problems
In the above process I met some unsolved problems and have no time to explore them yet, so I just write them down here for further study.
①拍照时使用稍高的分辨率就导致程序崩溃 / Use a little high resolution will cause the program crash
In the above codes, the two lines below are used to set the resolution:
cvSetCaptureProperty(pCapture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 320); cvSetCaptureProperty(pCapture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 240);
According to my experiments, the 160*120 low resolution cause less crashes than higher resolutions. Even 320*240 is not a high resolution for a webcam nowadays, it still made the program crashed some times, and the error messages are:
[root@alarmpi c]# ./webcam VIDIOC_QUERYMENU: Invalid argument VIDIOC_QUERYMENU: Invalid argument VIDIOC_QUERYMENU: Invalid argument VIDIOC_REQBUFS: Cannot allocate memory munmap: Invalid argument munmap: Invalid argument munmap: Invalid argument munmap: Invalid argument Unable to stop the stream.: Bad file descriptor munmap: Invalid argument munmap: Invalid argument munmap: Invalid argument munmap: Invalid argument HIGHGUI ERROR: V4L: Initial Capture Error: Unable to load initial memory buffers. Can't get a frame!
VIDIOC_REQBUFS: Cannot allocate memory HIGHGUI ERROR: V4L/V4L2: Could not obtain specifics of capture window. Unable to stop the stream.: Bad file descriptor VIDIOC_QBUF: Bad file descriptor Can't get a frame!
我不确定这是跟Pi的CPU计算能力较弱有关呢,还是跟Pi的RAM太小有关呢,还是跟摄像头的供电不足有关呢(我没有使用带电源的USB HUB来接摄像头),或者是跟摄像头的驱动有关呢?
I'm not sure whether the problem is caused by the weak computation capability of Pi's CPU, or the too-small RAM on Pi, or the insufficient current supply of the webcam(I didn't use a powered USB HUB to connect the webcam to Pi), or the webcam's Linux driver...
If you know something, please tell me and thank you in advance.
在树莓派model B+上,使用OpenCV 2.4.10版的上述程序,已经没有了上面所说的问题,经我测试,每隔2秒一次,连续抓取了将近30分钟的图像,一次都没有问题。
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CK and SyntaxHighlighter 插件
excellent !
楼主你好,这里的USB摄像头是一般的都可以吗? 哪里可以买到呢
哈哈,成功了~不过我的一般都会捕捉成功, 但每次都会报:
VIDIOC_QUERYMENU: Invalid argument
VIDIOC_QUERYMENU: Invalid argument
VIDIOC_QUERYMENU: Invalid argument
VIDIOC_QUERYMENU: Invalid argument